天然 砥石 正本山 菖蒲 戸前 軟口
Natural Grinding Stone Shohonzan Shobu Tozen Soft Tip
Easy to grind, soft mouth
Shobu has the oldest history among Kyoto natural whetstones.
With a history of nearly 900 years, it is one of the representative mines of Umegahata, where such yokozuna-class whetstones as Daitori, Okudono, and Nakayama were produced. The quality of the stones is on par with those of Nakayama, Okudono, and Otoshi.
We look forward to working with you.
天然 砥石 正本山 菖蒲 戸前 軟口
天然 砥石 正本山 菖蒲 戸前 軟口
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天然 砥石 正本山 菖蒲 戸前 軟口