再値下げ❗️49,800円 → 39,800円 → 35,800円 → 31,800円 → 29,800円→ 28,800円
2 huge Avengers omnibus hardcover books in nice collectible condition.
▪️Avengers omnibus volume 1 (1st printing 2011) and collects #1-30. Slight fading on spine color, see picture 6 and 9.
▪️Avengers omnibus volume 2 (1st printing 2015) and collects #31-58, annual #1-2 and more.
The Avengers, comics' greatest super team, burst onto the scene in 1963 at the forefront of the revolutionary Marvel Age of Comics. Iron Man, Thor, the Incredible Hulk, Ant-Man and the Wasp joined together to face the menace of Loki and set off on a streak of tales that nearly 50 years later still sets the trend for super hero epics. Written by Stan "The Man" Lee and illustrated by Jack Kirby and Don Heck, you'll experience every story, every villain, even every letters page in this painstakingly restored Omnibus collection.
再アベンジャーズ omnibus vol.1-2 ハードカバーアメコミ
再アベンジャーズ omnibus vol.1-2 ハードカバーアメコミ
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再アベンジャーズ omnibus vol.1-2 ハードカバーアメコミ