Water-tight main compartment with magnetic roll top closure
Patent pending 3 point rotating harness system
Magnetic sternum coupler for hands free harness closure
ACQUAFORTE 500D high tenacity nylon fabric: waterproof, abrasion-resistant and stable at high speeds
Ballistic quilted back-panel with tuck away shoulder straps
Water-tight large front pocket with storage for EDC tools, bike lock
Emergency contact information and key pocket
Hydration sleeve compatible (bladder not included)
Quick access tool / med pouch side pocket
Torso size adjustment cam lock system
Leather gripping side stabilizing pads
Motorcycle tie down anchor points
Camera/accessory mounting plate
Tire pressure gauge elastic sleeve
Internal key and accessory leash
Aluminum hands-free helmet clip
Watertight quick access front pocket
“Clip di luce” built for easily attachable bike lights
32cm W x 50cm H x 20cm D (12.5" W x 19.5" H x 8" D)
Velomacchi 28L バイク カバン リュックサックGopro
Velomacchi 28L バイク カバン リュックサックGopro
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Velomacchi 28L バイク カバン リュックサックGopro